Professional Day Request Procedure:

Pinelands Regional School District encourages employees to continue learning and growing through seeking professional development opportunities. Please abide by the following procedures to be approved for out-of-district professional development opportunities.

Fill out a Professional Day Request form once you have determined you would like to attend a workshop (and you have your supervisor's approval). Requests need to be approved by the Board of Education (BOE) prior to registering for any workshop. Your supervisor's secretary can help you fill out your paperwork if you are new to the process. Please do not register for the event until BOE approval is received. This entire process can take up to a month, depending on when the BOE meeting is scheduled.

Before submitting your paperwork, please be sure to:

  • Complete the form including the Title of the event and reason you are attending

  • If there is a registration fee, enter that on your PD form and attach a copy of the workshop details and fees from their website.

  • For mileage, you would calculate your miles to and from the workshop from either you home, or Pinelands, whichever is closer to the location. For example, if you live in Manahawkin and are attending a workshop in Atlantic City, you would calculate mileage from Pinelands to AC (because you are not reimbursed to drive to PRSD every day). Contrary, if you are attending PD in Toms River, your mileage would start at your home (because you would not be expected to start your day at PRSD).  You can use Google MapsMapQuest or mileage calculator to print out and attach it to the form.

  • If there are tolls or parking fees, you would put that under "other".  You can search this online, use New Jersey Toll Calculator, remember to calculate for way there and way back.

  • For any professional development that would require additional reimbursements (taxi, Uber, hotel, meals, etc.) please see your department supervisor's secretary for guidance.  There are guidelines that need to be followed for these reimbursements.

  • Enter your planned PD day into Frontline/AESOP with the title of the PD in the notes (this will be approved online once it is BOE approved)

After completing your paperwork, you can drop off to your supervisor for their signature, their secretary will log the request and route it through the signature process, you do not need to walk it around for approvals.  

Once your professional development is approved at a BOE meeting, you should register yourself for the workshop after your building principal's secretary has processed the purchase order/taken care of the registration payment. 

After Your Professional Day:

Upon return from the workshop, please complete the Travel & Mileage Reimbursement Form. When complete, please submit your Travel & Mileage Reimbursement Form, along with a copy of your toll receipt/EZPass and parking receipts to the principal's secretary so they can process the reimbursement.

If you are being reimbursed for anything, all receipts must be included prior to the secretary processing.  If you do not have the receipts, you will not be reimbursed for that line item.  If your receipts are more than what you submitted to be reimbursed for, you will only be reimbursed for the amount for which you were approved.