Jobs For NJ Graduates Highlights

  • 38 Students were actively involved in the 2019-2020 School Year including juniors and seniors

  • Community Service and Civic Responsibility events include a Voter Registration Drive, a Thanksgiving Food Drive, and Toiletry and Blanket Drive for the Homeless coming this month

  • Over 20 Speakers including all branches of the military, business presentations including accounting, financial consultants and law, medical professionals such chiropractors, massage therapist, and dental hygienist. Representative from the Rotary Club covered Robert’s Rules of Order, banking concepts covered by Santander Bank and NJ Builders Association presentation on careers in the trades. Up next: students will hear from a veterinarian, nurse and social worker

  • Trips for the year include JNJG Leadership Conference at Rider University and NJ State Police Training Academy in Sea Girt. Upcoming trips include JNJG Career Development Conference, New York Life Insurance in NYC, and Community Service Learning Day.

  • Positive outcomes for students include increase in student employment, increase in community service involvement, participation in a student led career leadership structure, establishment of a stronger student connection to our community, community partnerships established a positive connection with Pinelands Regional School District including a donation of 28 Chrome Books  for students in need to assist them on their educational journey as well as a Smart board for use in the classroom from our partnership with Ocean, Inc.